This will proceed to log you into Citrix.ġ4. Return to the internet browser and select Continue. Select Continue and then Close in the next two windows.ġ3. This is the password to your local computer. You will then be prompted for your local workstation’s username and password. You select Continue through all of the prompts and click Agree to the license agreement and finally select Installġ1. In the next window, double-click Install Citrix Receiver.pkgġ0. Once downloaded, launch the CitrixReceiverWeb.dmg file from the folder location or from your browser bar (as shown in example below) if it appears.ĩ. This will download a file called CitrixReceiverWeb.dmg to your workstation.Ĩ. On the next page, place a checkmark in I agree with the Citrix license agreement and click Downloadħ. You will then be prompted to Open Citrix Receiver, place a checkmark in the Always open these types of links in the associated app and click on Open Citrix Receiver Launcher.appĦ.
On the next page, select Detect Receiverĥ. Check your mobile device to accept the push or passcode.Ĥ. This will take you to the Duo Mobile Authentication page, choose your preferred method: Send Me a Push or Enter a Passcode. From your web browser (Chrome is recommended) go to the site Ģ. These instructions are for first time users only all other users follow steps 1-3 and then step 14:ġ. ** Duo Mobile registration and activation is required for these instructions to work.